Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First day of school

Logan started kindergarten this year. OMG! He's getting way to big. I can't believe I have a child in elementary school. He's learning so many things. Getting better at writing his name and all about his alphabet and numbers. He can do simple math equations. He's talks about how he got student of the day (he's been wanting it for the past 2 weeks). The school has a big bell at the front by the office and on Friday he was the "Honorary Bell Ringer". He was so excited that he got to the ring the bell. He got a certificate and everything. He was so proud of it. There are 2 things he doesn't like about school. Waking up in the morning and doing homework but of course I should have known that was going to happen. I was exactly the same way. I think he will do really good at school.

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