Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How time goes by

While I was uploading pictures to my computer I was looking at all the ones from Logan's first couple of years. Things were pretty scray the first couple of months and even when he got bigger. Lookiing at the pictures just make my heart drops but its a good reminder of what happened and for Logan to see when he's older.

I was so scared to take him out, afraid that I would miss a dose of his medication. I didn't ever want him to get sick and admitted to the hospital again. Well sure enough he did when he was 8 months old.

No matter how sick he got he was always happy. He always had a smile on his face, well with one exception.... After his heart cath. We almost lost him there.

He's growing so much and learning so much. He loves being around people and always is talking to strangers. I know its bad to talk to a stranger but he has helped me out of my little social shell a lot.

Back to pictures.. its amazing how much he still looks like he did when he was younger and does the same things that he use to. He use to pull his diaper halfway down his butt while watching Shrek. Now he pulls his pants and underwear halfway down while watching Ben10. I don't know why.. just some wierd fascination with messing with his pants I guess.

He was so cute when he danced to Shrek..

Well things haven't changed regarding his health. I still freak out when he gets sick. He gets a fever and I'm preparing to take him to the ER or urgent care. He makes me smile everyday and we keep each other going. We're goofy together and have so much fun!